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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #1 012

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Sox says:
August 16, 2010 at 9:09 am
I just wanted to add that I think it’s a huge mistake for a guy to suggest that say, he won’t consider a LTR with anyone who’s been with more than 5 or even 10 partners. I’ve been no stud and I easily racked up 6 of mine in relationships; I’m in the double digits now.

A story…I met my “one that got away” in college. Prior to dating her I’d slept with 2 people: one in a 3 1/2 year relationship through HS and the other one was a one night stand with a girl in our dorm at the beginning of the semester. That was my first experience with the power of social proof.

Anyway, this girl and I fell hard for each other quickly. As time went on it was obvious how into me she was. When I met her family, they said, “you really swept her off her feet” and “you seem like the first guy she’s ever dated that she’s actually liked”. The latter was a bit of a red flag. Soon after, I found out she’d been with what I considered to be a lot of guys by age 21. I immediately judged her, I told her how I felt about it, and I asked her for details.

Predictably, most happened between her freshman and soph year. She’d tried one ONS and hated it. From her other accounts, she came across as a girl who might’ve been a little slow to learn but in general, she’d always been looking for a connection with the guy and had a lot of bad luck. She was also stuck rooming with two of the biggest sluts on campus who’d already racked up 40+ guys.

Anyway…long story short, I dumped her. I got it in my head that she was “settling down” for me and that I was only attractive to her once her party phase was over. I was ignoring a lot of the facts and projecting my insecurities onto her. She was great to me throughout it all, and to this day is sweetest, most giving girl I’ve been with. She deserved a chance. Once I found out her number (not even by asking, through a drinking game w/friends), I was right in having issue, but it should’ve stopped soon after that, since I knew deep down she wasn’t a slut.

It’s just my advice to guys to be careful using the number as a disqualifier. Only do so if it confirms what you’d already noticed through her personality and whatnot, not as a sole factor in and of itself. Up to a point obviously, every guy has their hard limit- mine’s probably around 25. Girls can easily reform but they need to know that after a certain point they will have definitely alienated at least half of the male population.

Clarence says:
August 16, 2010 at 10:16 am

Re: Mystery


30/09/2022 04:00 
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