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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #1 153

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Not true, women are seen as the new costomer.. 

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Fais-nous part de vos commentaires ...

“But what if a 30 yo girl has had say, 24 exes over 12 years and been in love say 3 times.”
As I’ve posted before, these thought experiments are almost insane when it comes to their parameters. 24? In 12 years? She had sex without love with 21 people, and there was an average of two per year? Exactly what does “love” mean to such a creature?

terre says:
December 24, 2010 at 5:56 pm
“I am very happy with the freedoms I enjoyed and was lucky enough not to have awful experiences. I am very grateful to be born in this age. I would have been very bitter if I had been locked in an unhappy union for 30 years.”
Readers would do well to pay extremely close attention to Jess’ justifications and compare them with my post on feminism.

Höllenhund says:
December 24, 2010 at 9:23 pm
” It’s bullshit due to DNA tests. Men can now be sure of paternity.”

That’s completely beside the point, Jess. A married man in the US has no legal protection from his wife whatsoever if she cuckolds him. If he files for divorce, he will lose custody, his wealth and can easily be forced to pay child support for a kid that provably isn’t his. What kind of idiot would sign up for something like that?

Höllenhund says:
December 24, 2010 at 9:29 pm
“Wonderful posts. Entertaining to see these guys fail to respond adequately.”

ROFL! Dream on, Jess.

Jess says:
December 24, 2010 at 10:03 pm
I’m sorry but you are mistaken. DNA tests have been around for nearly 20 years.
We are talking about contemporary society are we not.
And you can’t argue the ancient biology on this:
According to many, men have a desire to spread their seed.
This is a calling from 40,000 years plus
Ie before child support was invented.

So the ‘fear of cuckolding’ has to be a modern-ish issue no?

In any case I spoke to a family lawyer last month on this.
Whilst there are grey areas in different countries and different states, if a guy defaults on a support payment and it’s then proved he is not the father then it’s nigh on impossible for a court to force him to pay. (although compensation or fraud claims are unlikely to ever work out)
Instead they have to force the mom to tell the court the identity of the real father or the state pays.
If a guy is worried about false paternity just do a hair DNA test in the 1st month.
So issue dealt with chaps.


04/04/2020 17:00 
Créé le 13/10/2022 17:45  par  
Dernière modification le 18/10/2022 17:24  par