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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #185

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Dating Marriage and Breakups 

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No, I’ve heard that sort of thing, unfortunately. A lot of women think assholes have huge dicks. Strange but true. Which is probably part of the reason women fuck them.

 101 J January 24, 2012 at 10:58 am
One of these days I’ll have to bite the bullet and really start to work on those dark triad traits. The “quiet confidence” angle is too low-return.

It really isn’t. Dark Triad types may attract a lot of women who are DTF or big risk takers, they really don’t attract/hold on to the sort of woman who would make you happy in the long run. Those women are harder to find–not because they are rare, but because they don’t put themselves out there the way DTF types do. You won’t meet them in a club, but one might be a friend of a friend.

 102 Jesus Mahoney January 24, 2012 at 11:09 am

hat means holding back warily most of the time, then throwing caution to the wind when you think you’ve got a keeper. Most individuals are not going to be capable of that. There is going to be a lot of luck involved, both bad and good.

Yea, well it’s going to be difficult for people meeting potential mates outside of their own social circles.

In that respect, probably the best dating/relationship advice would be for people to develop and maintain a healthy circle of friends.

 103 J January 24, 2012 at 11:09 am

For me, it isn’t a matter of whether women prefer bad boys, NPD’s, assholes, etc… It’s a matter of what you prefer..

Exactly. And it’s also a matter of your frame. My younger son and my husband are both “quiet, confident” types. Neither are/were popular, but neither come off as desperate, just in the market for something better, maybe a bit aloof. I don’t expect that my son will rack up high numbers, but I have no doubt that he will find a quality wife, who will appreciate his quiet confidence. After all, my DH did. ;-)

BTW, the dick thing was a witticism…or so I thought….


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