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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #43

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5. Do not skip breakfast. Studies prove again and again that skipping breakfast leads to an increase, not a loss of weight. If you skip breakfast, you are likely to eat something from fast carbs: a cake, a cupcake or bread and butter.

6. Do not allow dehydration. Thirst is often taken for the feeling of hunger. Drink regular water in between meals. A person needs, on average, about 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day.

7. Reduce alcohol intake. Wine can be replaced with delicious grape juice. Non-alcoholic beer is becoming increasingly popular and affordable in bars. All these drinks contain only 24 calories per 100 ml.

8. Reduce sugar intake - check at Five cups of sweet tea will bring you 500 empty calories, not to mention the cookies with which you will drink it. Try to minimize the use of sugar, and not replace it with sweeteners. They can negatively affect your health.


07/03/2019 16:00 
Créé le 07/03/2019 15:43  par  
Dernière modification le 07/03/2019 15:43  par