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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #471

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Hooking Up Incredibly Stupid 

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And contraception: yes, how that has unleashed female sexuality! Between the Pill and Roe the social stigma of unwed pregnancy has all but been erased. Those young women who give birth OOW freely choose to do so.
So where does that leave us wrt romantic love?
Women certainly want it, so I suppose it depends on the men. In a post-Christian world with little to no emphasis on what’s morally correct in relationships, it comes back to the question of nature. PUA or lover?

Do you how ridiculously easy it is to get laid at church camp? I’ve heard a few stories about Young Life…

Actually, the only girl from my high school that had a baby had gotten pregnant on a Bible Study retreat.


PJL Reply:
July 14th, 2010 at 6:45 pm

Just the briefest of notes:

Yes–the Church and Christianity in particular remain vibrant in many regions in America, which is one reason that it’s rather sloppy to even talk of the US as anything other than a geopolitical unit, however I think the affect of Christianity upon the general culture can be overplayed, even in the South, where it’s thick as molasses. As an aside, the obsession with the Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandal says a whole lot more about the general cultural mood of those areas than it does about the abuse “scandal,” the reporting of which is ridiculed with anachronisms, inaccuracies, innuendo, lack of perspective, ignorance, and political correctness. Digging up cases of alleged abuse between 1950 and 2010 all around the world and then using this as evidence of institutional corruption–without any discussion of how the medical community has evolved its understanding of pedophilia and homosexuality between 1950 and 2010–demonstrates how charming people find disenchantment. I did about 30 minutes of research of the vaguest of questions–i.e., what is a priest? what does “defrocking” a priest do?–regarding the abuse scandal when it broke and have sense been shocked at the AP’s inept covering of the issue.


16/04/2021 00:00 
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