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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #5 690

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From Casual to Committed: Understanding the Different Types of Dating Relationships 

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Avis d'expédition : envoi du message et contenu du message.

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Fais-nous part de vos commentaires ...

Yea most men probably look at a lot of porn, and many go to strip clubs, but most don’t do it while out on a date.
There is some song that goes like “i want a lady in the streets, but a freak in the bed”


OHWutev said:
February 12th, 2010 at 12:44 pm
Disregard all of these comments (except mine), and ask yourselves who in the h*ll has to read an article entitied “10 reasons why I didn’t call you”??? Did it eat you up so badly that you had to research common reasons on the internet? There’s only one answer, he/she’s not that into you, PERIOD. Get over it.

If it is really and truly eating you up so bad, and you want to “get revenge”, the best “revenge” is simply indifference. Stop talking to them, stop acknowledging their existence and that action in and of itself will cut the most. I would not advice “getting revenge” but if for some reason it’s eating you up so bad that you are online looking for what to do…..simply ignore them. They do not exist in your life anymore. You are better than they are and in a few short weeks/months you will be dating someone better than the last person who dumped you.

Sandra said:
March 14th, 2010 at 7:09 pm


29/09/2023 22:00 
Créé le 29/09/2023 21:28  par  
Dernière modification le 28/05/2024 17:18  par