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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #709

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“19. Stay sober. Don’t be a sloppy drunk, it signals low value in every conceivable way. He might enjoy getting to see you tipsy now and then, but blackout drunk is never attractive.”

—I used to work with a guy who had the most adorable and gorgeous girlfriend. I never saw this lady without heels and a dress. But at the end of every colleagues’ party, she would be absolutely smashed. Her falling to the floor became the official party ender. I remember helping to carry her to the car once. At a wedding, she wound up hiding in the bushes. They eventually broke up.

73Royale W. Cheese August 9, 2012 at 11:19 pm
Oh, and the advice is all excellent, by the way. Great advice regarding player avoidance, too. They can’t be swayed and are only trying to fool you if they tell you so. I imagine that one thing better than a pump and dump for a player is a pump and dump with a bonus home cooked meal.

74Sassy6519 August 9, 2012 at 11:21 pm
Great post once again Susan! You’ve hit this one straight out of the park.

Out of all of the tips, the section I seem to have the hardest time doing well is emotionally escalating. I think I’m supportive, nurturing, and feminine towards the men I date, but I’ve had 4 different men tell me that I’m “not emotional enough”. They have all said the exact same thing. I’m not naive enough to assume that the problem is with the guys either. If 4 different men all say the same thing, the problem is with me.

The question is how can I foster a more emotionally expressive personality? I think that my Myer-Briggs personality profile plays a big part in this. My ENTP ways probably do come off as more “cold” or “masculine” to some men. What can I do to appear more feminine and warm, personality wise?

The crazy thing is that I’ve done almost everything on this list, but I guess there is something lacking in the transmission and translation. Is it possible that I still appear cold and emotionless, despite doing the things on this list?

This feels like an “Is this real life” moment.

75Blue Velvet August 9, 2012 at 11:22 pm
Ramble, I’m a sprouter and major eater of living foods myself, and that is even less time consuming than cooking, unless you go the gourmet route with dehydrator and all that. But your main point was that men who are busy with education or work don’t have time for cooking. THEY DO. If they don’t, how do you suggest they eat when they are single, drive-thrus? Boiling rice and steaming veggies, even if not sprouted or fermented, is STILL healthier than eating out most of the time.

76Blue Velvet August 9, 2012 at 11:25 pm


15/11/2021 09:00 
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