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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #108

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Hmmmm, I wonder why that is…

 74 Jimmy Hendricks October 22, 2011 at 6:28 pm

I feel like I could have written that. Dead on description of my life right now. Co-sign 100%.

 75 jess October 22, 2011 at 6:35 pm

Well, I think they are saying it because they don’t believe it. It doesn’t match their reality.

As to shame, well, its never nice to encourage people to be horrible to each other.

There was a previous thread about some girls rejecting guys with public humiliation and degradation. This is just as bad, or even worse, than guys using dark game.

I have never been overtly cruel to a guy and I have always been well treated by guys. I accept that my experiences are not universal, but I do also know they are not unique.

Therefore I postulate that using game, far from improving your chances, might actively hinder them either for LTR’s or ONS’s.

Its a simple as that. But do women and men treat each other badly and inconsistently? Hell yes- and its a darn shame too.

 76 Sock! October 22, 2011 at 6:51 pm
Not at all surprised by this story…
heard it before, and expect to hear it again and again…

Susan to answer your question about do nice guys actually employ strategies for displaying Dark Triad traits with women- ABSOLUTELY!  It works!

You can’t get the girl/relationship if you don’t get her attention and spark her attraction
triggers…  and I don’t just mean I want her to say ‘I like him’ but I want to be the rule breaker for her…

Unfortunately social sciences are proving what we already know in the trenches; that a measure of arrogant, self assured, self entitled attitude coupled with thrill-seeking and risky behaviors is rocket fuel for the female libido…  add some mystery and unavailability into the equation and you have  a deadly cocktail…  you just don’t get the same results being a decent, straight up guy…  it’s sad, but
true… and in any market place it makes sense to go with what works… lowest
cost, marginal investment, highest pay off… negotiate the relationship after you’ve locked her in and she’s proven herself relationship worthy…


23/07/2019 11:00 
Créé le 23/07/2019 10:50  par  
Dernière modification le 04/11/2022 16:47  par