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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #18 055

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Faking Interest in Craigslist Dating 

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These people just can’t exist in the real, competitive world.

Lady Raine | January 6, 2011 at 3:06 PM |
Seventy Nine–

The difference between those guys and MOST other people is that we all know that when we see things on commercials, movies, and in the media…that we don’t identify hardly at all. We already KNOW that the types of relationships we see in the media aren’t the norm and don’t represent a large majority of men OR women regardless of looks, gender, age, race, etc.

But these guys that have this insane hatred take 1 or 2 bad personal experiences (whatever that may be) and compared it against what they see in the media subsequently validating their negative beliefs about dating, romance, and women. They are blind to actual reality and what real women are like and focus their narrow gaze on what they want to see (ie: the negative “confirmations” of their views of women).

Of course if they’re LOOKING for negative affirmation, they’re going to find exactly that. Just like looking for all the “bad luck” scenarios in your life will make it appear that you’ve had NOTHING but bad luck.

It’s so easy for them to see the negative reinforcement that they supposedly don’t WANT to see…..and find a way to avoid introspection completely. They’ve let go of reality and just started picking up bits and pieces of “patterns” in the dating world that make them feel like they have every right to be hateful, suspicious, and vindictive toward women as a whole……they have that right to see only what they want to see (of course), but it blows my mind that they CAN’T see that they’re only hurting themselves, making themselves LESS attractive to women (with the negative vibe), and contributing to the very perceptions of men/women that they are so angry about in the first place.

If men start acting like woman-hating sexists….they’re just dividing the genders needlessly, just like if women believe all men are “shallow pigs” they’re dividing the genders and just making life more difficult on themselves.


17/04/2024 19:00 
Créé le 17/04/2024 18:41  par  
Dernière modification le 26/04/2024 14:30  par