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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #2 249

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Online Dating Advice to Use Craigslist Dating 

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no more mr nice guy | April 3, 2011 at 8:51 AM |
Seventy-Nine, you overestimate the effect of porn on men : The vast majority of men that watch porn have a girlfriend or wife and most porn is watched by couples. It’s only a small minority of men that are complete loners with a huge porn collection.

Lady Raine | April 3, 2011 at 11:35 AM |
Angel said:

79 proposes to LR in 5…

But, seriously.

People who are higher thinking with a genuine conscience frontal lobe and plenty of gray matter firing on rapid succession synapses are the ones who end up lonely or with lesser mortals because they are ‘rare’.

Unfortunately, 79, you’re one of those ‘rare’ people gifted with looks AND intellect and you’re going to have to contend with that and except lesser mortals if you ever want to settle down and have some chirrens.

Angel you are right on this. Everything I say from this point on is going to sound incredibly arrogant and like I’m full of myself (and truly….I’m not):

I find that 99% of men I date fall short in keeping me interested. Not because there’s something “wrong” with them and not because they’re “lesser” than I am…..I’m well aware that I’m not a supermodel/genius/millionaire….BUT I am also well aware that my thinking and intelligence alone is intimidating even to men who claim they really like “smart” girls.


20/04/2023 12:00 
Créé le 20/04/2023 11:43  par  
Dernière modification le 26/04/2024 15:13  par