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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #545

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188Abbot September 21, 2011 at 5:14 pm
the reason why you see so many girls wearing sweatpants with the word “pink” (or “juicy”, or whatever) is because they are choosing to.
for attention, In a safe place. In a place with police and strict laws.
So we women need to figure out what to be in order to have the men we want to deserve
Probably not a played out floozy
the MO is “sex as empowerment
Then what is it for the men they are servicing?
Chinese American women I know are far less promiscuous than average
Times thousands. HUGE competition for non Asians in the US seeking husbands, H U G E!!! Walk down the sidewalk holding hands with a cute Asian girl. The glares you will get from white WOEs will make your day.

189Isabel September 21, 2011 at 5:15 pm
@ Some Handle

RE: judgement and choices.

We’re judged for both. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. See: slutty vs frigid dichotomy. Although the judging isn’t synchronised to occur at the same time in life.

Slut life is all fine and dandy until you hit early tirties when your looks start to wane. That’s when society starts piling in heavy on the criticism and a sizeable majority of men write you off as unsuitable for everything but sex. If you get a partner, he must obviously be a braindead omega doormat. If you don’t, ha-ha! Welcome to Spinster-upon-catsville. Population: you.

Traditional/Sexually reserved life is fairly taxing too in your teens because that is when your training wheels are supposed to come off. If you’re a guy who prioritise LTRs over casual sex, you’re a raving homo. If you’re a girl who holds off on sex, you’re an uptight uppity bitch. And it typically doesn’t get better until your twenties when the whole experimental Spring Break/Freshers craze blows over and people leave their student bubbles.

And when you’re young and pretty, you are also handsomely rewarded for being promiscuous. Guys compliment you all the time and harry for your attention. Pfft, even if you’re unattractive and slutty, you can still get a booatload of attention. They just won’t pay you compliments in public.


09/07/2021 11:00 
Créé le 09/07/2021 10:06  par  
Dernière modification le 03/11/2022 16:43  par