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Test - enquete: Afficher la réponse #967

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Anyway, this is where GirlGame comes into play, GirlGame is a dating market skill that allows a girl to find a quality guy, and impress upon him that she is yet a notch above all those other hot, feminine, available women that he can also get.

Having said that, I don’t agree with The Rules, or Clio’s general spirit in these commetns threads. The Rules are not GirlGame in the sense of finding a quality man with whom she will feel securely bonded. The Rules are a field manual for roping in a provider-beta.

Clio’s attitude, on the other hand, is out of touch with the perspective of a young (19-24 year old) woman who is traditionally of the kind of age young girls are when looking for a husband.

In a way I feel bad for traditionally-minded young women today who want to get married, but neither to a beta chump nor an alpha womanizer. Girls today are a bit in the same boat as guys, who can’t find a proper girl because most have been swallowed by the Obesity Epidemic.

Similarly, most guys today had been swallowed by the Beta Epidemic. So girls like Aoefe or Sofia really WANT to submit themselves to the bliss of a superior man’s rule, but such men are in as much a short supply as pretty girls-next-door are frm a young man’s perspective.

The pretty girls-next-door are fat, and the worthy-but-decent young men are betaized.

October 19, 2009 10:29 am
If she “lets” him lead, who really leads?

He leads, because there is implied consent in “letting” him lead, but he still must provide the leadership.

If she is a doormat who lets everyone walk all over her, then his leadership doesn’t really mean much. If she is a self-actualized individual, who recognizes strength and capacity in a man and “lets” him lead, then his leadership is that much more valid.

lovelysexybeauty PERMALINK
October 19, 2009 10:40 am
Epoxy -

Good points. I’ll try to address as many as I can with some general points (you really went through many of them lol):


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